Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Letter to the Editor from Daddy Rich

Here's a letter to the editor of the Greenville Advocate that Daddy Rich wrote. I don't have a date for it.

50th Anniversary Announcement

Here's a clipping (most likely from the Greenville Advocate) about Daddy Rich's and Mamma Sheba's 50th wedding anniversary party.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sheba Sims Langford and her three youngest children

This is a photo of Sheba Sims Langford and her three youngest children: Nancy Zeigler Langford, Turner Edward Langford, and Jeff Mizel Langford.

This might have been taken in front of their childhood home.

Daddy Rich's and Mama Sheba's 50th

This photo was taken on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. Standing left to right: Turner Edward Langford, Jeff Mizel Langford, Robert Eugene Langford, and Geroge Bryan Langford. Seated left to right: Nancy Langford Zeigler, Mary B Langford Hamrick, Richard Mizel Langford, Sheba Sims Langford, Joseph Casey, Langford, and Maggie Lee Langford.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sheba Sims Langford and her four eldest children

Here's a picture of Sheba Sims Langford (Mama Sheba).

The four eldest are: Mary B Langford Hamrick (Aunt Mary, standing right), Joseph Casey "Jack" Langford (Uncle Jack, standing left), Maggie Lee Langford (Aunt Maggie, standing front), and George Bryan "Bill" Langford (Uncle Bill, seated). Uncle Bill looks to be only a few months old in this photo, so I have to guess that this photo was taken at the start of 1916. This would make Mama Sheba 31 years old, Aunt Mary 6, Uncle Jack 4, and Aunt Maggie 3.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Jefferson Milton Langford's family around 1894

This is a picture of Jefferson Milton Langford, his wife, Nannie Stacy Heaton Langford, and their three eldest boys, Charles A. (Uncle C.A.), Richard Mizell (Daddy Rich), and Percy Alma (Uncle P.A.). Uncle P.A. looks to be around a year old, and he was born in 1893. So, if the year is 1894, Jefferson is 40, Nannie is 35, Uncle C.A. is 9, and Daddy Rich is 7.

Jefferson Milton Langford

Our progenitor, Jefferson Milton Langford.

He was born on January 14, 1854 in Georgia, and died June 2, 1931 in Greenville. He was the seventh of eleven children born to Abner F. Langford (1809-1880) and Ann Jane Griffin (1820-1870). The 1860 and 1870 censuses has him living with his parents in Dale, Alabama. In 1884, he married Nannie Stacy Heaton. The censuses from 1900 and beyond have him living in Greenville.

My understanding is that Jefferson was a mule trader. Evidently he was pretty good at it, as he acquired a lot of land around Greenville. I hope to get a map of 1930's Greenville someday to see how much land he owned.