Saturday, March 26, 2011

50th Anniversary party pics

A pile of photos from the 50th Anniversary party.

Look. There's the guest book I just wrote about.

"One hundred guests called between the hours of three and five."

The title of this post comes from the last line of the newspaper article on Daddy Rich and Mama Sheba's 50th Anniversary party. This past December, Aunt Nan gave me a box of photos and things, and in it was the guest book used at the 50th Anniversary party.

Let's flip through the pages and see who we might know, shall we? Here's page 1.

I know Ms. Morgan was a good friend of Aunt Maggie's. There's three Sims, who must be Mama Sheba's siblings.

Page 2.

Page 3.

Another Sims. Bonnie Moorer, possibly Aunt Margaret's relative? Paul & Sheila Langford and "Mrs. Percy Langford", the former Ruth Whitehead..

Page 4.

Uncle Shug.

Page 5.

Carl Sims and Fred Sims.

Page 6.

Uncle Bud and Aunt Margaret. Uncle Aura and Aunt Bernice.

And inside the front cover of the book was this little gem.

Nannie Heaton's 93rd Birthday

Here's an article that Cousin Mona found in Aunt Nan's things.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The whole family at Daddy Rich's and Mama Sheba's 50th

The whole family in 1958. Eight children, four in-laws (is Uncle Joe taking the picture?), and nine grandchildren.

Abner F. Langford and Ann Jane Griffin Langford

This is a picture of Jefferson Milton Langford's parents.

Abner F. Langford was born in 1809 in Jones County, Georgia. It believed that he died around 1880 after moving out to Texas with his son, George Blair Langford. He was the sixth child of nine born to James Langford (1770-1854) and Winifred Brady (1775- ).

Ann Jane Griffin Langford was born in 1820 in Georgia. She died around 1870 in Ozark, Dale County, Alabama. She was the sixth child of eight born to John W. Griffin (1775-1845) and Jane Ryal (1785-1860).

Ann Jane married Abner on December 28, 1837 in Crawford County, Georgia.

TRIVIA: Ann Jane's older sister, Mary Polly Griffin (1815-1860) was married to Abner's older brother, Lewis B. Langford (1802-1854) on November 5, 1826 in Bibb County, Georgia.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Three Sisters

This first picture looks to be from the late 1930s. (Mary, Maggie, Nan)

The next one looks to be from the 1940s. (Nan, Mary, Maggie)

And this last one seems to be from the early 1960s. (Nan, Maggie, Mary)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Aunt Nan and Uncle Joe's Wedding Announcement

Nancy Langford Zeigler

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain.
But a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30