Sunday, February 20, 2011

Family, we have a mystery

Mark Twain once remarked that he spent $25 to research his family tree, and then he had to spend $50 to cover it up. Well...we may need to find that fifty dollars.

First, here is a snapshot from the 1910 census of Butler county listing Jefferson Langford:

This is pretty straight forward. We first see Daddy Rich and Mama Sheba with Aunt Mary (line starting with 262). They evidently lived next door to Grandpa Jefferson. Daddy Rich and Mama Sheba are listed as being married for one year, and Mama Sheba is listed as giving birth to one child, now living. (Also notice that Daddy Rich married an older woman. Smart man.) Then there's Grandpa Jefferson and Nannie Heaton. The couple is listed as married for 28 years. Nannie Heaton is listed as giving birth to five children, and all five are listed as still living. One is Daddy Rich, listed above, and the other four are listed beneath them: Uncle C.A., Uncle P.A., Uncle Aura, and Uncle Shug. 

So far, so good. Now let's take a look at the 1900 census.

We see Grandpa Jefferson and Nannie Heaton. They have been married for 16 years. Nannie Heaton has had five children and five are still living. Then the five kids are listed: Uncle C.A., Daddy Rich, Uncle P.A., Orrie, a daughter, and Uncle Shug.

Wait. What?

Who is Orrie? And where did Uncle Aura go?
